Matthew Miller
Sep 3, 2013

KDDI augmented-reality game lets users control fate of lovers

JAPAN - Promoting its 4G service, Japan's KDDI has launched an interactive campaign that uses augmented-reality (AR) technology to lets users guide a would-be couple across various screens and into each other's arms.

wide player in 16:9 format. Used on article page for Campaign.

The 'Play screen' campaign, credited to Dentsu, independent creative boutigue Glider and Rhizomatiks, includes TV, cinema, print, OOH, and online ads. All of the above turn into interactive elements in an AR-enabled game when coupled with an app called Odoroki, available for iOS and Android.

Users choose one of the two characters, Yanagi (the boy) or Rina (the girl), and then try to help their chosen character conquer various obstacles while on a quest to locate their love. In all, the game allows 432 different story scenarios to play out on the way to a happy ending. 

"Anything can become a screen," said Kentaro Shihaku, creative director and CEO of Glider, the creative director for the campaign. "This is a vision and a mission for all who work in multimedia industry. What if the city itself become as a device and function as a screen? I wanted to illustrate this vision for this campaign under the catch phrase 'Play screen'." 

In an earlier campaign, the brand and the same agency partners handed control of Tokyo itself over to customers.

Campaign Asia

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