The account would mark Matt Godfrey's first regional win since being appointed four months ago as head of Y&R Asia.
The appointment follows a two-month long review which saw five agencies pitch. In May, APB dropped incumbent Saatchi & Saatchi for its ongoing regional creative review in the second round of the review. Iris and JWT also pitched for the business.
Saatchi & Saatchi was appointed to Tiger Beer’s creative business in 2007. Its Malaysian office was the brewery’s agency-of-record for its regional communications across Singapore, Malaysia, Indochina and China.
In April that year, BBH famously resigned the Tiger Beer Singapore creative business within four months of winning the account, allegedly due to creative tensions between the brewery’s local and regional teams at that time.
In July 2009, APB appointed iris to take on Tiger Beer's regional sponsorship campaigns.
The beer brand also recently engaged Manchester United star Wayne Rooney to front its football drive for the region.