Lilian Leong, MD of Leo Burnett Hong Kong, explained the challenge for Samsung Andriod is the iPhone/ iOS' large local market share which has been dominating consumer and press attention. "We need to break this norm by creating more talking points beyond pure product innovation."
"However despite its popularity, iPhone/ iOS is restricted in terms of pricing, sales point, contract and apps," Leong added. "We want to highlight Samsung's key competitive edge of being inclusive - because of the open platform (Android), variety of product range, features and design, we are bringing the smartphone to everyone."
The agency used the 'human chain' to visualise the idea and maximise the impact via ATL, out-of-home and retail. Viral videos were distributed online to create buzz and drive traffic to the upcoming microsite for more product details.
The online video features a young couple having a dramatic quarrel in a busy street in Mong Kok, dramatising the typical personality of 'high maintanence' Hong Kong girls. The girlfriend complains that her boyfriend lets go of her hand to use his smartphone. However, thanks to the voice search function on the Samsung Andriod phone the problem is solved. The boyfriend in the video is from the Canton pop band C All Star, which has a huge following online.
The first part of the video was launced on 14 February and attracted 1.4 million hits on YouTube, Apple Daily online and Action News.
The second part of the video was launched on 19 February and the latest number of views is over 180,000, combining all sources.
Project Samsung Android Series
Client Samsung
Creative agency Leo Burnett Hong Kong
Milker Ho, group creative director
Lili Jiang, associate creative director
Kim Wong, senior art director
Keian Chui, digital creative director
Brand management
Vincent Siu, group brand director
Macy Ng, associate brand director
Jeremy Li, brand manager
Ariane Fong, brand executive
PR/ event management
Valiant Yip, director, PR & Event
Wing Or, PR & event manager
Exposure Online, print