M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment has launched a global brand experience agency called M&C Saatchi Live.
The shop will be led by event directors Kate Miller and Hannah Courtney. They were previously experiential account directors at M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment.
Miller and Courtney will report to M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment chief executive Jamie Wynne-Morgan and joint managing directors Jodie Fullagar and Richard Barker.
M&C Saatchi Live is currently working on projects for M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment clients Reebok and Samsung. The new shop has also won its own client but is unable to disclose details.
The agency will have eight full-time staff, formed through internal moves across the M&C Saatchi group. The team plans to double its workforce in the next six months.
Wynne-Morgan said: "The live experience element will always be a core part of our promise to connect brands to their audiences through the things they are most passionate about. The decision to take this expertise and launch a dedicated external offer is in direct response to the trend of ‘live’ featuring ever-more prominently in brand marketing briefs and budgets."