Benjamin Li
Dec 15, 2009

Cheung Kong Holdings launches creative agency pitch

HONG KONG - Property giant Cheung Kong Holdings (CKH) has called a creative agency review in Hong Kong.

Cheung Kong Holdings launches creative agency pitch
It is understood the client has sent out letters inviting several agencies to submit credentials for the business. It remains unknown which property the project is for.

Agency-of-record Bates141 is believed to be involved in several ongoing projects with CKH and is also involved in the pitch. DDB Hong Kong has been invited to submit credentials for the project, but is still considering whether it to take part.

It is believed that agencies will meet the client on Friday to get the brief.

CKH is the flagship of the Cheung Kong Group, the leading Hong Kong-based multinational conglomerate. In Hong Kong alone, members of the Cheung Kong Group include Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa and Hongkong Electric Holdings.

The combined market capitalisation of the Cheung Kong Group's Hong Kong listed companies amounted to US$83 billion as at 30 September 2009. The Cheung Kong Group operates in 54 countries and employs about 240,000 staff worldwide.

Campaign China

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