Baby bedtime had become a battle for mothers as babies refuse to sleep earlier due to modern lifetyle. Mothers ended up using “Cry-It-Out” method of sleep training, as they felt there was no better option.
Johnson's Baby wanted to offer mothers a solution to establish good sleep routine, and to educate them bedtime routines to 'tell' babies it is time to sleep. Through the campaign, Johnson’s Baby hoped to increase brand awareness and increase sales of its Bedtime range.
Johnson's Baby partnered with Fox International Channel's BabyTV on Astro, a channel dedicated to growing children and parents, to talk to both mothers and babies by leveraging on their content. BabyTV research indicated that 84% of moms watch BabyTV together with their babies.
UM Malaysia created a series of 60-second “BabyTales” with BabyTV, where it incorporated bedtime routine educating mothers using Step 1-2-3 (Bathe, Massage and Quiet Time).
As babies listen to their favourite characters, so BabyTV famous characters were also selected to best depict the message “it's time to bed” to sooth babies to sleep.
“BabyTales” was aired from 6pm to 9pm, complimented by BabyTV lullaby segment at night had made the entire bedtime message even stronger.
The total sales for Johnson’s Baby Bedtime range experienced a 50 per cent growth, based on sales figure for December 2011 and Jan 2012, compared to December 2010 and January 2011.