Centered on a 45-second animated commercial, the through-the-line campaign aims to showcase the fun, joy and quirkiness an M1 customer will always experience.
Also developed by Y&R, a dedicated Facebook page, the M1 ‘Explore and Win’ page, has garnered an additional 7,000 likes in just four days since it was launched last Saturday, making it Singapore’s fastest-growing Facebook page.
M1 customers have a chance to win more than S$25,000 (US$20,000) worth of prizes via a Facebook Contest that asks them to answer three simple questions based on the TVC. The four-week contest will generate 10 winners every week.
The animated 3D world has come to life island-wide via television, print, cinema and web. It will be seen via OOH next week.
Y&R was reappointed to the creative account for M1 recently following an intensive closed-door review.