Ad Nut
Nov 24, 2020

Singtel Dash combines demo and dance in animated campaign

The digital wallet service explains its features with the help of three vivid characters in a series of videos made with TikTok in mind, in a campaign by PPurpose and Final Frontier.

'Dash it your way', urges mobile-wallet provider Singtel Dash in a new campaign by production company Final Frontier and PPurpose (sister social and programming agency to TSLA). 

People on three continents were involved in the collaboration, as Final Frontier's effort included staff in Shanghai, Buenos Aries and Singapore, the animator is Buenos Aries-based and South African studio Arcade did the character designs.

The agencies report that the 25-second spots were created with TikTok in mind, so each piece concludes with the character performing a dance sequence that was cut in to 10-second clips for that platform.


Production Company: Final Frontier
Executive Producers: Chris Colman, Gustavo Karam, Ryan Shanholtzer, Julieta Zajaczkowski
Project Manager: Julián Dorado
Production Assistant: Bella Jiang
Director: Gabriel Fermanelli
Character Design: Arcade, Gabriel Fermanelli
Art Direction: Juana de Marco, Ronda Estudio
Art Team: Ulises Lopez, Leandro Chaman, Sol Azpiroz
Animation Production: Ronda Estudio
Animation Direction: Fernán Graziano
Animation: Maximiliano Ponz, Fernán Graziano, Rubén Stremiz, Matias Fernandez
3D Modelling: Miguel Cesti, Santiago Graziano, Rubén Stremiz, Eugenio Pignataro, Juan Miyagi
Rigging: Martín Ollo
Shading, Lighting & Rendering: Miguel Cesti
Compositing/Postproduction: Miguel Cesti, Santiago Graziano
Choreographer: Debora Nashimoto
Music Production Company: Cachorro Loco
Music Composer: Facundo Capece
Sound Design: Lola Richter
Voice-Over: Fuse Adventures in Audio, Singapore

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