Shauna Lewis
Sep 26, 2021

Jessica Alba returns in Mother’s latest 'Dubai presents' film trailer

Zac Efron also features in series of trailers by Mother and Dubai Tourism.

Dubai Tourism and Mother have released their latest "trailer" in the “Dubai presents” series starring Jessica Alba.

Mimicking every blockbuster trailer out there, “Dubai presents: a captivating saga” showcases the rolling sand dunes of the titular destination, boasts “majestic” five-star reviews, and “unrivalled camel trekking” in place of the credits.

Directed by Craig Gillespie via production company MJZ, Alba stars as an aviator in 1950s Dubai, searching for meaning and unsurprisingly, discovering the beauty of the city as she goes.

Shot on location, the trailer will run on digital platforms, in cinema and on TV. It will be available in 27 global markets in 15 languages.

The trailer debuts as the city prepares to celebrate the UAE’s Golden Jubilee and the start of Expo 2020 Dubai in October 2021, an international exhibition intended to showcase its accomplishments.

This is the fourth trailer in the global campaign. The most recent trailer, "Dubai presents: A brand new you", had Efron in the starring role and developing a cooler, more tranquil version of himself in the city.

Campaign UK

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