Ad Nut
Dec 21, 2020

How would you like your power-up served?

Riot Games and BBH team up to give gamers a taste of their Honey Fruit, the mythical power-up in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Pandemic-related lockdowns have been a boon for gaming nuts such as this particular woodland creature who has honed their skills tremendously through this period. As much as they like to boast about their skills (let's just say that Ad Nut is very close to fulfilling their grand master ambitions), there is no shame in admitting the many times the timely discovery of Honey Fruit power-ups rescued nearly-wrecked rounds of League of Legends: Wild Rift. 

Over the years playing games ranging from Mario to League of Legends, Ad Nut has always wondered how these power-ups have felt and, well, tasted. What if you could actually taste a perfectly timed power-up? To give hardcore gamers a chance to taste the Honey Fruit power-up used in League of Legends: Wild Rift, the game's makers Riot Games and BBH teamed up for an offline event in Thailand to give consumers there a taste of this mythical fruit. 

While gamers found it hard to nail down the actual taste of the bright green power-up (feedback ranged from spicy to sweet), the physical manifestation of the Honey Fruit excited Thai fans even if it left some deciding whether it tasted naughty or nice. 

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