The appointment, effective 1 May, is the first time that a single leader is put in place to manage the agency’s operations exclusively in China.
“We’re integrating both offices for the beginning of our new financial year in July. There will be in place a ‘One China’ team with the same strategy, consultant teams, training, developments and one P&L,” he added.
Text 100 is also honing its focus on social media, Benecke said. Earlier this year, Jeremy Woolf expanded his role from overseeing Text 100’s Greater China operations to also managing the agency’s social media initiatives globally. Yang’s appointment helps to maintain a focus in China while Woolf leads social media initiatives, Benecke added.
Yang, who joined the agency in 2008 following time spent in China and Taiwan at agencies including Burson-Marsteller and Ogilvy Public Relations in Taipei, additionally takes on responsibilities left by Candice Young, current managing consultant of Text 100 Beijing.
Young will depart the agency next month after nearly six years working in China.