Recto is said to be a scandal-free family man in the Philippines. The TV commercial features the real Recto family including his wife Vilma Santos-Recto, an award-winning actress and the current Batangas Governor.
Exploring the topic of corruption, the ad opens with an early morning scene around the breakfast table. Recto uses the traditional Flippino bread pandesal to explain social issues.
Translated synopsis:
Ryan: “Dad, why is there corruption?”
Mom Vilma: “Here’s some pandesal.”
(Recto looks at son Ryan, then signals stepson Luis. Recto passes the pandesal to son Ryan but stepson Luis intercepts the bread.)
Luis: “This is delicious! I’ll save some for you... There’s still some left.”
(Mom Vilma looks on in amazement)
Recto: “Putting yourself first, means there’ll be nothing left for others.”
Mom Vilma: “If only there’s no corruption, then there’ll be more funds to help the less-fortunate.”
Luis: “That’s why we have to fight against corruption. No corruption, no poverty.”
Recto: “And that’s what we’re going to do to help improve the lives of the Filipino family.”
Tagline: Fighting for the Filipino Family.
Project Pandesal
Client Ralph Recto
Creative agency Neuron/Campaigns & Grey Philippines
Producer Janet Barbara
Production company Straight Shooters
Director Paolo Dy
Post-production company Roadrunner
Exposure Television
Exploring the topic of corruption, the ad opens with an early morning scene around the breakfast table. Recto uses the traditional Flippino bread pandesal to explain social issues.
Translated synopsis:
Ryan: “Dad, why is there corruption?”
Mom Vilma: “Here’s some pandesal.”
(Recto looks at son Ryan, then signals stepson Luis. Recto passes the pandesal to son Ryan but stepson Luis intercepts the bread.)
Luis: “This is delicious! I’ll save some for you... There’s still some left.”
(Mom Vilma looks on in amazement)
Recto: “Putting yourself first, means there’ll be nothing left for others.”
Mom Vilma: “If only there’s no corruption, then there’ll be more funds to help the less-fortunate.”
Luis: “That’s why we have to fight against corruption. No corruption, no poverty.”
Recto: “And that’s what we’re going to do to help improve the lives of the Filipino family.”
Tagline: Fighting for the Filipino Family.
Project Pandesal
Client Ralph Recto
Creative agency Neuron/Campaigns & Grey Philippines
Producer Janet Barbara
Production company Straight Shooters
Director Paolo Dy
Post-production company Roadrunner
Exposure Television