The ad, created by Wieden+Kennedy Portland, will air on US television on 7 February. Once again, Mustafa is seen standing in front of a shower, topless, with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Mustafa explains that he is back to advertise the new campaign, which informs people "they or their man can use Old Spice to smell as fresh as the freshest-smelling places on earth".
Mustafa tells the audience he has committed the new ads to memory and they can be previewed by "staring through" his "striking brown eyes" while he recalls them.
The camera closes up on Mustafa’s face while he stares out at the camera and says "You can't get past the striking brown eyes, can you? Don't worry, it's commonplace."
The campaign highlights the new Old Spice Fresh Collection featuring a new deodorant, body spray and body wash.
This article was first published on campaignlive.co.uk.