Racheal Lee
Jan 23, 2013

Lukup Media, IPG Mediabrands Indonesia enter into partnership

JAKARTA - Lukup Media, a cross-platform interactive firm, has entered into an agreement with IPG Mediabrands Indonesia to offer rich media mobile advertising and consumer-engagement solutions to advertisers, brands and content providers.

Lukup Media, IPG Mediabrands Indonesia enter into partnership

It allows advertisers to reach out to the right customers on a social-networking site. When customers type in the brand's URL on their mobile web browser, it subscribes them to the brand, and the custodian of the brand can then push rich media notifications to them based on their location.

Fully integrated campaigns can also be targeted to customers at specific locations. All data on the campaign's delivery and usage is also available to brands and advertisers.

Services the platform provides include mobile coupons, paperless loyalty programmes, contests and surveys. Cache-Cache, a women's fashion brand under the Beaumanoir Group, is one of its clients in Indonesia.

The platform is compatible with all smartphone platforms (Android, Blackberry, iOS and Windows). It also empowers the audience to directly and immediately start interacting with the brand, Kallol Borah, director for Lukup Media, said.

IPG Mediabrands Indonesia is part of Interpublic Group, which has global subsidiaries such as Initiative, UM, Jack Morton Worldwide, Lowe and Partners, McCann Erickson, Momentum, MRM Worldwide, Octagon, R/GA and Weber Shandwick.

Ram Subramaniam, CEO at IPG Mediabrands Indonesia noted that TV, social media and mobile are working in combination to empower a new group of consumers. “We have called this new group the ‘top 10 per cent’. This new group is having a profound influence on brand choice across categories and we can target such influencers using this platform,” he added.

Lukup and Mediabrands will also collaborate to create a qualified database of consumers to target rich media promotions.

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