Anita Davis
Oct 28, 2009

Johnson & Johnson calls regional digital pitch

ASIA-PACIFIC - Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has begun a pitch to create a digital roster across Asia-Pacific to streamline its online marketing operations.

Johnson & Johnson calls regional digital pitch
According to sources close to the review, J&J is looking to narrow the number of digital agencies it works with down to “two or three sets” from the "dozens" it currently has a relationship with.

The review is understood to cover J&J’s entire portfolio of consumer, healthcare and pharmaceutical brands and is expected to conclude at the end of the year. The pitch is being handled by R3.

Agencies were approached with the brief one month ago. Agencies involved in the pitch will enter a round of presentations in two weeks.

Sources added that the review mirrors similar processes being held in Europe and Latin America, where J&J is also looking to reorganise its digital relationships. However, it is understood that each region will have its own roster.

“It’s not just looking for one group to do all its digital work, but it is looking to create a neater set of roster agencies to work with,” one source said. “There are two or three groups on the table and this is working alongside a wider alignment process going on outside Asia-Pacific.”

J&J has worked with a handful of independent and holding-group digital agencies across the region, including MRM, OgilvyOne, Profero, Proximity and Tribal DDB. These agencies are expected to pitch to join the roster.

Key J&J brands include Neutrogena, Band-Aid, StayFree, Listerine and products associated with its Vision Care and OneTouch lines.

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