As we prepare to take a break over the holidays, the editorial team at Campaign Asia-Pacific would like to wish our readers and the entire industry good luck and good fortune in the Lunar New Year.
It's been another challenging year for all of us on a personal level as we have navigated the ongoing pandemic and the restrictions this has placed on our ability to travel and spend time with one another.
But we have been inspired by the people and businesses that have used these unusual times to seek ways to elevate the standards of the marcomms profession in APAC. Whether it's holding platforms to account for their role in society, bringing sexual harassment out in the open, committing to sustainability targets and cutting off the fossil fuel industry, finding ways to protect user privacy in online advertising—we end the year feeling hopeful that the ad industry is on the path to becoming more ethical, sustainable and inclusive in the New Year.
We are extremely grateful for the support of the industry in helping us to publish important stories that showcase the innovation and creativity of the region, and hold the industry to account on areas where it needs to improve.
From all of us at Haymarket, thank you for sharing your work with us this year, reading our stories and supporting our events and awards.
We hope you are able to spend time with your families, in person or virtually, over the next few days. We'll be signing off at the end of today, and will resume publication on Friday, February 4.