Ant Keogh, the chief creative behind the Meet Graham campaign that swept up 29 Lions at the Cannes Lions festival last month, has announced that he is leaving BBDO Clemenger Melbourne.
In a statement sent to the press, Keogh said his departure came on a high note.
"I'm leaving the agency at a time when we've just produced some of our best work and had wonderful success at Cannes. One one hand, it's a crazy time to leave but if you think about leaving on a high, it makes sense," said Keogh.
BBDO Clemenger Melbourne was named the 2017 Cannes Agency of the Year folllowing a 56- Lions haul. Meet Graham, the sculpture created for Transport Accident Commission of Victoria was however denied a Titanium by the jury for being too similar to an ad made in 1985.
On his former agency and the team, Keogh said: " I’ll miss many of them and, although I’m excited by what’s ahead, I’m also sad to be leaving, especially since I’ve enjoyed long creative relationships with James McGrath in particular (17 years or so), many of the other CDs, planners and staff in general.”
“My next move—I could do it in a smaller way, even out on my own (I’ve been at huge agencies for 20 years or so) or perhaps I’ll just find another great creative network in which to make a home. Either way, it’s an exciting prospect to be able to shape my own creative working environment," said Keogh.
The agency has declined to comment on Keogh's departure when contacted by Campaign Asia-Pacific.