This month WPP's tenthavenue relaunched Joule as a full-service mobile marketing agency that is set up to specifically answer brands' mobile needs. The company aims to help brands and agencies deliver smart, dynamic creative based on how people are actually using their phones, enabling a more relevant experience to entice interaction.
This week at Cannes, Joule has been looking at the behaviours displayed by people in Cannes on their mobile phones, and has shared some findings over Twitter and other exclusively with Campaign Asia-Pacific.
Here are 10 at least somewhat surprising nuggets pulled from Joule's big-data analysis this week.
1. Early risers
Despite the famously late nights, on average people have been up and at it 24 per cent earlier (checking news on their mobile) toward the end of Cannes Lions (Wednesday and Thursday) than they were on Monday and Tuesday. [Perhaps they never went to bed? -Ed.]
2. Party like they do in Lisbon
We may infer that the Portuguese are the biggest party animals, with 33 per cent interacting on their phones past 2:30 am. *Update
3. The kids are all right
Never switch off? Only 9% of delegates are continuing to check parenting apps while away from the kids #CannesLions #mobileinsight
— Joule (@JouleMobile) June 24, 2015
4. You must chill
22 per cent of users signing on at 8.30 am are checking relaxation apps. Hangover tips?
5. Who’s paying attention?
Despite peak speaking talent appearing at 2:30 in the afternoon, 12 per cent of the mobile users in Cannes have been distracted, using gaming apps
6. Guess what, mom?
69 per cent of people use messaging apps immediately after Cannes Lions awards are announced.
7. What the veterans speak
59 per cent of the over-55 Cannes veterans are English speakers.
8. Jet lag is a real thing
16 per cent of mobile phone users awake and operating at 8:30 am are Mandarin speakers.
9. Festival of love
Is #canneslions the festival of love? Dating app usage has increased by 12% since last week, increasing to 20% after 8.30pm! #mobileinsight
— Joule (@JouleMobile) June 24, 2015
10. Not gonna happen
Avoid the last minute booking frenzy at #CannesLions! 21% of delegates have looked for restaurant or bar recommendations after 8.30pm
— Joule (@JouleMobile) June 25, 2015
Update: Joule Media got in touch to clarify that this stat should have said Portuguese-speaking users, not Portuguese users. In other words, it's at least partly people from Brazil who are partying so hard.