As Weber Shandwick's Jye Smith and Jayde Lovell discovered, user experience is critical to technology products and services in a hyper-connected world where consumers are bombarded with digital content, information and just sheer noise.
Rather than simply creating 'louder' communications, speakers at SXSW noted that smart companies are starting to identify when and where their data is most useful. Ambient technologies and information communication, for example, offer a much more relevant way to make better use of data.
Another day two highlight was an exploration of how design as a tool is mission-critical to NASA—everything from designing control interfaces, orbit visualisations and exploratory tools for data. And while NASA designers develop apps for expert-level users, opening up the technology for casual is opening previously unexplored new uses for existing sets of data.
Jye Smith is head of Mediaco, Asia Pacific, at Weber Shandwick and Jayde Lovell is vice-president, Digital, Asia Pacific, Weber Shandwick