
Jun 26, 2024

Yum China hands $400 million media account to Publicis

EXCLUSIVE: The KFC and Pizza Hut parent-company has ended its 26-year relationship with GroupM in China, becoming the third brand to do so in recent months.

Jun 3, 2024

Bravo! Maurice Lévy leaves on an elegant high at his last Publicis AGM

Campaign went to Paris to witness a piece of advertising history as Lévy chaired his final AGM after 37 years, although no one expects him to disappear from Publicis.

May 31, 2024

Publicis wins vote for Arthur Sadoun to head single board after seeing off critics

Maurice Lévy says it was a “total absurdity” for proxy advisers to oppose Sadoun's combined role as chair and CEO on new unitary board.

May 21, 2024

Q1 agency metrics: A closer look at financial patterns and APAC performance

In examining Q1 earnings closely, analyst Ian Whittaker finds common denominators: the resounding success that India boasts and the persistent challenges that China poses—both are shaping agency-holding companies’ performance in the region.

May 14, 2024

Oreo urges Chinese consumers to ‘stay playful’

In a nation known for over-work, over-studying and pressures to achieve, Oreo seeks to bring back China’s 5,000-year-old culture of play with its new ‘Art of ‘Play’ brand platform in collaboration with Publicis.

Apr 30, 2024

M&A rumour mill is buzzing as Publicis pulls ahead of agency pack

Speculation has created what one insider calls a 'febrile' atmosphere at the top of the agency sector.