
Jan 16, 2014

Carat China wins RMB350 million Chang’an Suzuki media account

BEIJING - Carat has won the media planning and buying business for Chang’an Suzuki (重庆长安铃木汽车) after a month-long competitive pitch against Dentsu, Publicis and smaller media brokers.

Apr 10, 2013

Chongqing has highest online-video penetration among lower-tiers: Maxus

CHINA - Cities and counties in Chongqing have the nation's highest penetration rate in terms of online video viewership; at 88.7 per cent, the municipality ranks first among China's lower-tier markets, according to findings by Maxus.

Jun 27, 2011

China invests in cloud technology centre at Chongqing

BEIJING - To promote the development of high-technology start-up firms, the Chinese government is spending a reported US$154 million on cloud-based technology centre in Chongqing, which will be free of the country's internet filters which currently screen out the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

Nov 24, 2010

Vizeum China takes three-year branding, media contract for Zong Shen

BEIJING - Chongqing-based motorcycle company Zong Shen, one of China's leading motorcycle brands, has chosen Vizeum China as its branding and media communications partner. The three-year contract was signed in mid November.

Sep 14, 2010

Vivaki Exchange CEO Warren Hui, GM Ye Peng Tao leave the agency as Chinese authorities probe corruption scandal

BEIJING - Vivaki Exchange’s CEO Warren Hui and general manager Ye Pengtao have abruptly left the Publicis Groupe agency. The news comes as local authorities are believed to be investigating suspected involvement in a corruption case relating to the agency’s media broker, Chongqing Huayu.

Jul 12, 2010

Sina and Tencent launch Groupon-cloned service

BEIJING - Sina, one of China's largest portal sites, launches its own Groupon-cloned collective buying service today, Sina Tuan, joining what Internet observers already call "the craziest webplay in history."

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