John Kerr
Sep 14, 2010

The social media landscape in Australia : Edelman DBI

Edelman and Brandtology's Digital Brand Index (DBI 10.3) offers insights into how brands are being discussed online in Australia, tracking 154,000 mentions of 60 major technology brands technology brands across 581 online channels. This equates to a technology brand mention every 51 seconds.

The social media landscape in Australia : Edelman DBI

Australia has over 17 million internet users, representing 80.1 per cent of the population. In June 2009, more than 70 per cent of online Australians visited a social networking site, up from 29 per cent in 2008, a 40 per cent increase in just one year.

Here are the key findings from DBI 10.3:

Technology brands must recognise existing online discussions and appreciate the need to address consumers’ concerns and issues as well as engage them with positive messages about their brand.

  • Google (25,679 mentions) continues to dominate in terms of online mentions, but Apple (18,017) has narrowed the gap in terms of volume of buzz by 66 per cent since DBI 10.2 thanks largely to the launch of the iPad and buzz around iPhone 4 locally. Microsoft (14,168) moved down to third position in terms of online buzz in DBI 10.3.
  • HTC’s online buzz (5,514 mentions) has increased since DBI 10.2, moving the brand up three places to seventh in the top 10. HTC’s buzz was largely driven by the local launch of the HTC Desire. 


Only a few technology brands are engaging and influencing effectively through Twitter, the dominant channel for technology conversations in Australia.


  • Twitter continues to be the top channel for brand mentions in Australia with nearly 55 per cent of online mentions occurring on the micro-blogging tool (82,402 mentions); constituting nearly 60 per cent of brand mentions out of the top 10 channels added together.
  • Of the 60 technology brands surveyed in Australia in the DBI 10.3, less than half of the brands (27 companies) have a local presence on Twitter.
  • There is clearly an opportunity for brands to become smarter about communicating through this channel. Although a brand can set up a Twitter account in five minutes, it is important to recognize the ongoing commitment required to manage the account and engage followers with relevant content.
  • As negative sentiment towards a company can quickly spread on Twitter, it is crucial for technology brands to monitor for specific feedback on their products and services and determine suitable responses when appropriate.
  • Whirlpool (28,283 mentions) maintained the second spot and Overclockers (9,925 mentions) continues to be the third most popular online platform for Australians to discuss technology brands


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