Part of the recently launched community kleenexmums.com.au, Poo Poo Island is a website that allows mums to share toilet-training tips, techniques, frustrations and embarrassing moments. Aimed at creating a wealth of knowledge and collective wisdom on the art of toilet training, the site offer mums support and reminds them that their kids’ toilet habits don’t need to rule their lives.
Based on a search-informed content strategy and website structure, the Kleenex Mums community represents Kleenex’s first move into social media in Australia and is a collaboration between the Kleenex Digital Marketing Manager, strategic and creative agency partner McCann Sydney, web developer Red Ant, and SEO specialists BruceClay Australia.
Visitors to Poo Poo Island at www.poopooisland.com.au are shown around by a travel-reporter guide and asked to assess whether they’re currently ‘stuck on Poo Poo Island’. Meanwhile, visitors who have successfully toilet trained a child can help stranded parents escape Poo Poo Island by leaving their best tips on how to navigate through it.
The first 600 people to share a toilet-training story on the site will receive a free sample pack of Kleenex Cottonelle Flushable Moist Wipes for Kids, while all visitors to Poo Poo Island can enter a competition to win a dream family holiday to Fiji.
Kleenex worked with some of Australia’s leading mum-bloggers to bring the project to life. These influential contributors feature in video-content where they share their own toilet-training experiences, as well as offering home truths on why some mums can get it wrong, and why many dads – dubbed ‘poo dodgers’ on the Island – are failing to take as much responsibility as they should.
McCann Sydney strategy director Mark Pollard said of Poo Poo Island, “Parents see teaching their kids independent toilet habits as one of the final challenges in getting some of their adultness back. Thing is, parents are untrained in the art of toilet training themselves. Poo Poo Island’s will show parents they can make a clean break from their ‘poo selves’.”