Benjamin Li
Dec 3, 2010

Anna Lee replaces Monica Li as new managing consultant at Text 100 Hong Kong

HONG KONG - Anna Lee joins Text 100 Hong Kong today as its new managing consultant and office lead, replacing Monica Li who resigned from the company and relocated to Singapore.

Text 100 Hong Kong hires Anna Lee as managing consultant
Text 100 Hong Kong hires Anna Lee as managing consultant

Lee will oversee business strategy, key client relationships, people and office management for the agency's Hong Kong operation, reporting to Steven Murphy, regional director of North Asia at Text 100, based in Sydney.

Lee is a 17-year communications and marketing veteran with experience both in-house and with agencies in Asia-Pacific. She was most recently the deputy GM of Hong Kong-based A-World Consulting.

Lee also held roles with Lee Kum Kee International Holdings, Crown Media International, ESPN Star Sports and J. Walter Thompson, and worked with a range of IT, consumer and finance brands, with wide-ranging experience across media relations, corporate communications, integrated marketing, advertising and event management.

The agency said that Lee's appointment further strengthens the senior management team based out of its Hong Kong office, including global social media practice lead Jeremy Woolf and VP and APAC digital lifestyle lead Erica Pompen.

Campaign China

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