Tony Savarimuthu (pictured), president at 4As and CEO at McCann Worldgroup, noted that the Sarawak economy is poised for real growth, with SMEs (small and medium enterprises) playing a leading role in indigenous brands, arts and culture, festivals, travel and tourism.
“There’s tremendous potential to build and promote Sarawak products and services, with an upside in creating a global presence by adhering to proper branding principles,” said Savarimuthu.
Local advertising agencies, with their local market understanding and skill sets, have sufficient avenues to strengthen the advertising market, he added.
The association will organise a three-day visit to Sarawak next week, hosting a presentation titled ‘Stop the ordinary’ at SEGI University College in Kuching on 4 February.
The presentation aims to encourage young talents to join the thriving branding and advertising industry, speakers at the presentation are Savarimuthu; Gary Tay, council member at 4As and CEO at Amphibia Digital; Khairudin Rahim, chairman at Lowe & Partners; as well as Johnny Mun, vice-president at 4As and CEO at Krakatua.