Jan 29, 2010

Sanyo Energy | Eneloopy | Singapore

Sanyo Energy has expanded its long-running 'Think Gaia' vision with an online campaign entitled 'Eneloopy' in Singapore.

The Eneloopy.sg website targets young teenagers and encourages them to be more aware of the environment. To give the website a local feel, the homepage backdrop includes scenery from Singapore, including The Esplanade and the Japanese Garden.

The website educates readers about the rechargeable Eneloop battery brand. With the help of a cute dog character called Eneloopy, the site uses simple illustrations and a simple storyline to illustrate how people can save energy and minimise waste.

“Our future generations play an important role in determining the health of our environment. We hope to spread our environmental message further by reaching out to the youth with this new website,” said Takehiro Matsui, senior manager of Sanyo Energy.

Project Eneloopy
Client Sanyo Energy
PR agency Bang PR
Exposure Online

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