
Feb 23, 2017

Bundesliga beats EPL for online influence in China

German football league is outstripping more popular English Premier League regarding social-media engagement.

Feb 6, 2017

Asia-Pacific YouTube Ads Leaderboard: January 2017

Mirinda and Wilmar CLV lead the list with Tet-themed ads. Plus, Nissan, Amazon, 7-Eleven and more.

Feb 25, 2014

DATA POINTS: Non-phone devices account for third of mobile impressions

Millennial Media's Mobile Mix report details device and OS trends on the company's mobile advertising platform. The infographics here show the most popular device types, specific devices, OSs and applications across Asia-Pacific and select countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The captions highlight some year-over-year trends. All graphics and information courtesy of Millennial Media.