
Jul 25, 2019

Snapworx buys out Mobext Philippines from Havas, launches new agency

Newly created Xiklab Digital becomes one of the largest Filipino-owned digital creative agencies, with roughly 100 staff.

Aug 21, 2018

The 7 mobile marketing moments

With interruption-based marketing in the rearview mirror, brands need to seize key customer mobile moments in each day and deliver on their needs.

Sep 26, 2014

Think like startups: Mobext chief to agencies

SINGAPORE - Agencies don’t get mobile like startups do, and so it isn’t surprising that advertisers are investing marketing dollars in these mobile companies, said Arthur Policarpio, head of Mobext, during the penultimate Forum session at Spikes Asia 2014.

Sep 19, 2013

Innovation: Agencies take lead in funding new ideas

Tired of waiting for marketers to get on board, agencies are mobilising the brands by breaking down the cost barrier to adoption.

Jul 17, 2013

Mobext offers $500,000 fund for first-time mobile advertisers

ASIA-PACIFIC - Mobext is expanding across the region a successful programme, begun in the Philippines, that offers co-investment funding for advertisers running their first mobile-marketing campaigns.

Jun 21, 2013

CMO Mobile Summit Philippines

The CMO Mobile Summit co-organised by the Philippines Association of National Advertisers, Havas Media's Mobext and e-Learning Edge, gathered more than 300 mid- to senior-level advertisers and media partners to discuss the state of mobile marketing in the Philippines.