media debate

May 22, 2014

How to engage the multitasking viewer

MEDIA DEBATE: Broadcasters have relaxed their stance on multiscreening after finding that consumers discuss programmes on their devices, but can they stop people becoming distracted?

Dec 20, 2012

MEDIA DEBATE: What will be the key digital developments in 2013?

As 2012 draws to a close, three pundits from different areas of the industry present the trends they believe are likely to shape digital media over the coming year.

Apr 5, 2012

MEDIA DEBATE: Live streaming the new game changer

Sporting enthusiasts are increasingly using alternative channels to access content. So are online platforms a threat to traditional TV’s dominance in the world of sports coverage?

Jan 9, 2012

MEDIA DEBATE: Radio demonstrates premium potential

ASIA-PACIFIC - While radio is still popular in a number of markets, its mass appeal has typically deterred high-end advertisers. Is there room for a more targeted, premium offering in the region?

Aug 1, 2011

MEDIA DEBATE: Channel choice causes clients confusion

As more television viewers choose different broadcast platforms, have clients responded accordingly or is it difficult for them to free themselves from the traditional TVC mindset?

Feb 23, 2011

Will TV, digital continue to grow at the expense of other media? Join the debate.

Latest figures show that television and digital advertising revenues continue to grow at the expense of other media. But is this just temporary or an irreversible trend?