marketing effectiveness

9 hours ago

Here’s a thought: Marketers can sell anything—except their own value

Despite effectiveness being so high on the agenda, why are marketers still failing to make their case to the C-suite? Gurdeep Puri delves into the industry’s most frustrating paradox.

Mar 10, 2015

The emperor is wearing no clothes

In the first of a series exploring creative effectiveness, Jon Steel likens the focus on shares, hashtags, 'likes' and social buzz in modern effectiveness case studies to The Emperor's New Clothes and urges the industry to wear something a little more substantial to truly meet its clients' needs.

Jan 7, 2013

MEDIA DEBATE: Defining trends for digital in 2013

Clients are admitting to knowledge gaps when it comes to digital. That means agencies have even more responsibility to take the lead.

Nov 1, 2012

OPINION: Planners must meet CMO demands to 'Show me the money'

The game-changing communications planners of the next decade will come from a different talent pool. Marion McDonald, Asia-Pacific managing director of strategy and measurement for Ogilvy Public Relations, describes this new breed.