earned media

Jan 8, 2020

Meet the scary new landscape of brand-funded entertainment

What if a brand funded an idea so good that people actively sought it out, watched it, talked about it and told other people to watch it?

Aug 21, 2019

You don’t always need to pay to play

Don't discount the importance of SEO in communications plans for building reputation, argues Edelman's digital director.

Jan 26, 2018

Let's end the panic over Facebook's algorithm changes

It's not going to be so bad, and following some simple advice will better serve brands, writes Ogilvy's head of digital and social in Malaysia.

Mar 3, 2014

Data don't lie: Is 'viral video' a misnomer?

Everything we thought we knew about how ideas spread may be wrong.

Jul 16, 2013

Exclusive survey results: The value of content

A survey of client-side marketers in APAC finds out how brands are developing their content marketing strategies.

Jul 10, 2013

Paid, owned and earned just more silos

MEDIA DEBATE: Despite all the buzz surrounding POE media, when asked if clients and agencies should organise their teams around these three disciplines the resounding answer seems to be ‘No’

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