british telecom

May 20, 2019

BT mocked for 'generic' brand logo

"The new identity signifies change, but it positions and displays BT as another generic, unemotive brand."

Mar 27, 2012

BT Outward Bound adventure team completes 15km race

British Telecom was one of the corporate sponsors for the 2012 Outward Bound adventure race, which took place 11 March. This year's target for the annual fund-raising event was to raise US$130,000 to help underprivileged young people take part in the Outward Bound program, which encourages personal growth and confidence. The race covered 15km including kayaking, swimming and trail running. In spite of cold and wet conditions, the BT teams won silver and bronze medals.

Mar 10, 2011

BT appoints Ninder Takhar as marketing head for NE Asia

REGIONAL - British Telecom (BT) has transferred Ninder Takhar, most recently head of marketing and propositions for sustainability in its UK office, to head up marketing for North East Asia and regional account based marketing for BT Global Services.

Jun 7, 2010

Hong Kong mobile player CSL promotes Mark Liversidge as marketing head

HONG KONG - Hong Kong-based mobile operator CSL has promoted Mark Liversidge as its new chief marketing officer, succeeding predecessor Aenil Premji who resigned at the end of May.

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