On the appointment, David Droga, founder and creative chairman at Droga5 in New York, said: “Duncan is without doubt one of our industry's absolute best – not just as a thinker but as a person. Droga5 Sydney is damn lucky to get him. Saying that, Duncan is damn lucky to get a job this good, in an agency so strong and filled with such opportunity.”
Droga5 Sydney has grown from three founding partners to 45 staff in just over two years due to significant new business growth over the past 12 months.
David Nobay, creative chairman at Droga5 Sydney, said: “I took on launching Droga5 here because I craved a change from what I was doing, so the idea of bringing in an ECD was always the plan. We just haven’t been big enough up to now to warrant the kind of investment that securing someone as senior as Duncan takes."
Marshall added: “I’m coming here to continue growing the Droga5 business model with Nobby and the Sydney partners in a market that’s full of energy and optimism. Droga5 has always been a global company even when we just had the New York office, because we’ve always had clients from all over the world. I feel I’m continuing to be part of the greater Droga5 company, just in a more beautiful part of the world. With better coffee.”