Jin Bo
Jan 17, 2011

Casio launches LBS campaign to promote G-Shock party

In partnership with Ad China, Casio launched a mobile campaign on China’s major LBS (location-based services) sites to promote the G-Shock Music Party held on 15 January at Shanghai Mao Live House, featuring Taiwanese pop singer Huang Lixing.

Casio launches LBS campaign to promote G-Shock party

The campaign kicked off on 10 January, five days ahead of the concert.

Between 10 and 14 January, the top five users who virtually 'checked in' at Mao Live House through Ad China's 'mobile LBS platform' most frequently, would gain free tickets to the party.

The platform consolidates the country's most popular LBS services, including Jiepang, Kaikai, Bedo, Qieke and Bafang into what Ad China calls "the largest LBS platform in China".

Users who associated their LBS accounts with one of the leading SNS sites (Kaixin001, Renren, Douban, Sina Weibo etc.), and checked in at the Casio G-Shock flagship store also qualified to win gifts.

Besides promoting the event, another purpose of the campaign was to create a strong emotional and image connection between Huang Lixing and G-Shock. It was also expected to boost the traffic to G-Shock's flagship store in Shanghai.

The agency is Asatsu Century (Shanghai) Advertising of ADK Group.

Campaign China

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