Hands down favourite with the team is the unexpectedly lovable digital greeting from Publicis Groupe chief, Maurice Lévy . We're not going to spoil it for you except to say, "play with everything". Skip ahead, skip back, pause, adjust quality settings, volume (we recommend the mute), screen size. Go wild. And, you're welcome.
Adorable, and slightly nutty, VML Sydney is holding a 'Reindeer Race'. The "real-world interactive race between four of Santa's reindeer" allows users to take control of reindeer on a Christmas themed track (presumably located in VML's office) and use their keyboards to control speed while racing against Facebook friends or computer-controlled bots. The race is streamed live while you tap tap away.
Showing off more than their coding skills, the team at VMl constructed the installation using open-source electronic prototyping platform Arduino, with on-track sensors to manage the reindeer. And some of the parts were fashioned using a 3D printer.
Also using virtual robotic controls but to a more heartfelt purpose, Draftfcb's version uses a drawing machine developed by Chicago digital artist Harvey Moon. The agency invited employees, clients and friends worldwide to digitally sign a 10 feet by 12 feet card located in New York. The robotic pen replicates their online signatures and viewers can watch it in real time. The card accompanies a charitable donation by Draftfcb to the Homeless Coalition.