the house of dancing water

Apr 15, 2011

Isobar HK wins COD's 'House of Dancing Water' digital business

HONG KONG - City of Dreams has appointed Isobar Hong Kong to handle all digital activities for ‘The House of Dancing Water’, the world’s largest water-based extravaganza showcased in Macau.

Jun 15, 2010

City of Dreams drives awareness of US$250 million debut show online

City of Dreams (COD) has rolled out a new online marketing campaign to promote the Asian debut of its US$250 million entertainment show 'The House of Dancing Water', which opens on 17 September.

Jun 15, 2010

City of Dreams drives awareness of US$250 million debut show online

City of Dreams (COD) has rolled out a new online marketing campaign to promote the Asian debut of its US$250 million entertainment show 'The House of Dancing Water', which opens on 17 September.

Jun 15, 2010

City of Dreams drives awareness of US$250 million debut show online

City of Dreams (COD) has rolled out a new online marketing campaign to promote the Asian debut of its US$250 million entertainment show 'The House of Dancing Water', which opens on 17 September.

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