
1 day ago

Inside Reddit's strategy to court advertisers in Asia Pacific

Durgesh Kaushik, the platform's APAC leader explains to Campaign why Reddit has already put down roots in Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Jun 11, 2024

Rory Sutherland: 'Programmatic is a load of bollocks' and what’s wrong with podcast ads

The vice chairman of Ogilvy UK argues digital advertising is broken.

Jun 4, 2024

Can curation revive the programmatic open auction?

Campaign explores the value of the open auction for publishers, and whether the risk of vulnerability can be subsided with curation.

May 20, 2024

Will zero-party data restore consumers' trust in brand value?

Allowing individuals to willingly and conveniently share their data in exchange for better experiences can be a win-win. But as Campaign discovers, certain conditions and challenges must be met for all to benefit.

Apr 15, 2024

Why does such a lack of transparency still exist in adtech?

Although many adtech players remain incentivised to keep the ecosystem opaque, new business models and auditing practices are challenging the status quo to demonstrate value for clients.

Apr 12, 2024

Roblox to offer in-game programmatic video ad buys via PubMatic tie-up

Partnership will enable more brands to tap into over 71 million daily active users on Roblox, nearly half of which are Gen Z.