
Dec 9, 2020

Humans eat dog food. And they like it.

Ogilvy and Furry's Kitchen had food influencers unwittingly dig into a degustation menu made up of doggie chow.

May 21, 2020

SPCA hijacks video conferencing backgrounds to promote pet adoption

Singapore's animal protection organisation and Forsman&Bodenfors want you to put your virtual backgrounds to work on behalf of animals who need real homes.

May 12, 2020

A salute to the true WFH heroes

Masterpet ANZ spotlights the "four-legged heroes" and "fur workers" who are making life under lockdown bearable, in a campaign put together in three days by The Works. Let the cooing commence.

Mar 13, 2020

Bugs are not welcome, but cute ads about bugs are

Big, oddly polite, bugs get doors slammed in their faces in a fun spot from Orchard for the flea and tick protection product Simparica.

Feb 21, 2020

Why is there a strange human-cat roaming Singapore?

EXCLUSIVE: If you think you've woken up in the middle of the movie 'Cats', you can thank/blame telco Circles.Life.

Dec 10, 2019

Watch 25 fun Hyundai ads in just over four minutes

An enjoyable series of #4SecondReviews for the Hyundai Venue by AnalogFolk features a bevy of odd creatures and characters, including Corey Feldman, but is tragically lacking in squirrels.

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