
May 27, 2024

How JBL's brief to prove sound superiority brought gaming to the visually impaired

‘We didn’t know if this was possible’: By spurning the easy campaign route, the Singapore-based BLKJ Havas team chose to pioneer gaming accessibility for a new audience and brand alike with JBL Quantum Guide Play.

Mar 17, 2021

After dismantling its regional structure, how committed is Havas to APAC?

Incoming boss Alberto Canteli, based in Dubai, vows to ‘be a coach and not a striker’, relying heavily on teams on the ground and plenty of travel going forward.

Feb 16, 2021

Havas acquires Singapore independent BLKJ

Formation of BLKJ Havas, run by existing BLKJ management will become Havas Group Singapore's creative offering.

Jun 26, 2019

Do you like your insurance ads short and cheeky, or long and weepy?

Whichever you prefer, Ad Nut has you covered, and then some, in new work from BLKJ, Leo Burnett and BMF for a trio of insurers.