
Aug 25, 2020

Facebook spars with Thai government over forced page blockage

The tech behemoth has threatened to sue the government over being forced to block a page critical of the country's royal family.

Jun 18, 2018

'Be careful when talking about Tibet': Tool aims to help brands avoid hot water

Social-management platform Kawo wants to help ease the angst of brand managers who worry about posts running afoul of China's ever-shifting list of banned topics.

Sep 17, 2010

Playboy lauds CRC's decision to end internet censorship in Singapore

SINGAPORE - Playboy has welcomed the Censorship Review Committee's (CRC) recommendation that the national ban on ‘objectionable content’ websites should be lifted and internet-users should install their own content-filters instead.

Sep 9, 2010

Banned TVC Adilfitri prompts screening of all ads in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR - Aired during Ramadan period, the Adilfitri TVC, which included symbols relating to Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism, has led to its ban and screening of all future radio and television commercials in Malaysia.

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