ad contrarian
Fame: Brands wanna live forever
THE AD CONTRARIAN: While most brands are preoccupied with differentiation, positioning and purpose, their real aim ought to become famous in their category.
Billions of ads misdirected, and no one noticed
THE AD CONTRARIAN: Revelation about billions of misdirected ads—that no one noticed for nine months—exposes the elephant in the programmatic-advertising room. But which elephant is it?
GDPR: It's all illegal
THE AD CONTRARIAN: What will happen now? My guess, the IAB will come up with some new horseshit that will take years to litigate while the adtech industry goes merrily along screwing the public.
The programmatic poop funnel
THE AD CONTRARIAN: I know 97% of my programmatic ad budget is wasted, I just don't know which 97%.
Question everything, including this
THE AD CONTRARIAN: Assumptions must always be challenged if we are to have confidence that we actually know anything, but an evidence-based approach is all too rare in marketing.
Enough with the brand babble about meaning and purpose
THE AD CONTRARIAN: People are mostly too busy, too lazy, or too indifferent to give two-fifths of a flying shit about "brand meaning”. And recent positive press for purpose-based advertising is woefully off-base.
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