
Nov 2, 2016

Bonsai, origami and sushi dance to hip-hop for beer launch

Steinlager and DDB New Zealand combine kiwi hip-hop dancers with Japanese culture for launch of Tokyo Dry brand.

Oct 31, 2016

Makeup shaming on a train: Etiquette ad provokes reactions in Japan

Intentionally or not, a Tokyu Corp video suggests that offending people can be effective.

Oct 28, 2016

‘Fendirumi’ symbolise traditional luxury’s desperation

Fuzzy Fendi mascots offer an interesting interpretation of 'high-end'.

Oct 28, 2016

No reason to pull Pierce Brosnan ads: Pan Bahar CEO

Contract wasn't violated, and the ads are working, the company's CEO tells Campaign India.

Oct 28, 2016

Much ado over the name of a pork burger

Malaysian eatery Ninja Joe has (perhaps purposely) courted controversy in the naming of its "P. Ramly" pork sandwich.

Oct 28, 2016

HKTB launches multi-country campaign through Grey

Four TVCs will take the tourism outfit's recent emphasis on authentic experiences to regional and global audiences.

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