Jenny Chan 陳詠欣
Mar 11, 2015

Radica links up with SAS to offer 'approachable analytics' to HK marketers

HONG KONG - Radica Systems has collaborated with SAS to offer a more comprehensive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution by integrating SAS‘s technology capabilities in advanced analytics and Radica’s specialties in direct marketing.

The move promises marketers more detailed analysis of consumer behaviour
The move promises marketers more detailed analysis of consumer behaviour

The resulting sell to Hong Kong marketers is more in-depth customer behavioural analysis using a single platform that helps them gain better visibility of omni-channel campaigns (see flowchart below).

An integrated point of control will eliminate the need for multiple direct marketing tools for WeChat, email, SMS (short message service) and other mobile tactics. More timely and relevant offers to targeted consumers can then be created through customised loyalty campaigns with less inefficiencies or duplication of effort.

Radica needs SAS to fill a gap in orchestrating complex campaign plans using marketing automation to analyse and visualise large volumes of data. This will support and augment its current value proposition to clients.

The services sector has emerged to become a major sector using analytics as data mining needs are now extended to social media outside the four walls of a business, said Cliff Wu, president of SAS Greater China. "In the Big Data era, it's not only about tabulating a table and sending it to management. It's about visual presentation and 'approachable analytics'". 

Decisions on the fly can be made with such 'approachability', when in-database technologies enable fast turn-around of unstructured data into insights and customer intelligence.

The main issue in the industry with big data is how only 25 per cent of it is structured, Wu said. The rest is unstructured data such as simple but massive amounts of texts and free-format dialogue from call centre logs, for example, that holds less value for marketers.

Campaign Asia

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