
Oct 9, 2018

Furore over horse race advertising on Sydney Opera House

The Everest Cup is set to be promoted on the building’s iconic sails today, amid fury from the Australian public and talks of protests, extra security and sabotage.

Jul 17, 2018

Amazon glitches cause problems on Prime Day

Consumers report website crashes and other errors on the company’s biggest sales event of the year.

Aug 25, 2017

Brands seeing minimal recall with Singapore millennials over SEA Games

An overwhelming majority of millennial Singaporeans can’t name the sponsors, according to Happi.

May 26, 2017

Fighting the digital advertising criminals

Rick Mulia at Rubicon Project lays out the critical issue that is ad fraud, and the promising moves being made across the industry to tackle it.

Mar 28, 2017

'Staggering' rise in crisis work amid global uncertainty: Porter Novelli CEO

Brad MacAfee says while campaigns and integration remain key to the PR business, reputation management is top of mind in the current geopolitical climate.

Oct 20, 2016

Culture leaves many Asian companies unprepared for a cybersecurity crisis

Strict adherence to hierarchy means Asian companies have been slow improve crisis planning around information-security, according to FireEye’s global comms chief.

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