digital china

May 5, 2017

Anti-fraud heat boils over to China

DIGITAL CHINA: Recent international scrutiny of ad fraud is shining a light on the murky multibillion-dollar trade in China.

May 5, 2017

Brand fortunes on the rise in rural China

DIGITAL CHINA: Non-urban consumers joining the digital tribe offer fresh pastures for innovative marketers and ambitious brands.

May 5, 2017

Turning on the money (live) stream

DIGITAL CHINA: As brands become braver at livestreaming, here are the best practices already proving lucrative for certain Chinese companies—and the rise of live e-shopping.

May 5, 2017

The digitisation of luxury in China

DIGITAL CHINA: High-end brands are dropping their former digital reticence and learning to embrace online engagement.

May 5, 2017

Special report: Digital China

The new frontiers of online innovation: Four in-depth articles covering digitised luxury, live-streaming for profit, reaching rural consumers, and fighting fraud.

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